Saturday, June 12, 2010

Phase 2 - Forestation

The yard is looking quite hairy, er, grassy now. Most of the Buffalo Grass has maintained its green color and is spreading. The "Midway Mix" of seeds is also growing. It is really hard to know what is what. I've got a test pot on the back deck where I planted sample seeds, with the idea that it would help me tell the good from the bad. Good in theory, but only two types of grasses have sprouted so far and I've got lots more going on out front. The Bermuda grass is popping up here and there. I can usually tell it's runners from the Buffalo grass but sometimes I'm not so sure. I dream about it at night. I've also planted some Lindheimer's Muhly and Basket Grass between the house and the garage. They are doing well.

This week Pedro planted our forest out front, between the street and the arroyo. Interspersed between the boulders are Mexican Buckeyes, Possumhaw Hollys, Mountain Laurels, Kidneywoods, and three 'Green Cloud' Cenzios. They add a lot of interest to the yard, and watering them takes my mind off the weeding. I've got pictures below.